
Hi, I’m Cory.

I am a kindergarten through 8th grade general music teacher. I love teaching music, playing ukulele, singing, learning about new instruments, and helping students develop a lifelong love of music.

I have taught music for 5 years as a K-8 general music teacher in the Midwest in addition to working in 3r and 4th grades teaching general studies. I pride myself on making music fun, accessible, easy to learn.

I received my Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in Choral and General Music Teaching with a certificate in adaptive music. I have also received my Masters of Science in Teaching and Learning from the University of St. Francis.

In my free time, I like to create YouTube tutorials for the ukulele for my students to use at home and during school. I started doing this as a way to encourage more student and family musical engagement outside of school hours. It has been fun interacting with my students through the platform and it allows me to cater to a wider range of students and their varying skill levels.

Outside of music, I try to spend most of my free time doting on my indulgent cats, Darwin and Pipsqueak, immersing myself in all things Disney, spending time with my wonderful husband Jordan, traveling, eating, and dabbling in other art forms, such as drawing and writing. I am also a proud nerd and often indulge in my various nerdy pursuits like TTRPGs, video games, and comics and anime. I have been working on a second YouTube channel to explore these interests called Taverns and Tomes.

Thanks for visiting my site!